Individual coaching

Would you like to…

… manage your interpersonal conflicts better?
… have more confidence in your decisions?
… unlock your creativity?
… regain your motivation?
… have more self-confidence?
… change your life?
… succeed in your new position?

With systemic support, I offer you the space you need to understand your current problems and move beyond them. The method I use takes into account the different contexts in which you live, be they family, economic, cultural or social, because they have an influence on your life despite yourself.

You are not solely responsible for your situation or problem, but you are the expert.

Develop a better understanding of yourself, so you can make more informed decisions and communicate more effectively in your relationships.

It’s because of my passion for social issues and my belief in everyone’s ability to influence the world that I’m involved in systemic coaching. Come as you are, with your problems or questions, and your desires for a future that suits you.

J’offre un accompagnement en ligne ou au Grand Bain à Nantes en français, anglais ou allemand. Le premier échange, qui est gratuit et sans engagement, dure une vingtaine de minutes et permet de comprendre vos besoins. Ensuite, chaque séance d’accompagnement dure 60 minutes, le tarif est de 60 €.

main qui tient une pierre avec plusieurs pierres posés sur une table

Please do not hesitate to contact me to make an appointment or if you have any further questions.
Sessions are not covered by social security or mutual insurance companies.

Please note: systemic support can in no way replace the work of a psychologist. If you’re looking for help for anxiety, depression or any other mental health problem, I encourage you to turn to qualified mental health professionals or to call a crisis line.


A session lasts 60 minutes and takes place either online or in my office in Nantes. The first session is an opportunity to take stock of what has led you to consult me. We then discuss and agree on a plan to help you make progress on your problem.
Each session, whether held remotely or in my office in Nantes, costs €60. Sessions are not covered by mutual insurance companies.
I propose a free 20-minute telephone appointment to ask all your questions and so that I can inform you whether the reason for your consultation would fall within the scope of systemic support or not.
The length and number of sessions are agreed together at your first appointment. Systemic support lasts on average between 5 and 10 sessions.
Systemic coaching deals with an everyday theme. It focuses on the present and the future, with exercises to do between sessions. Psychotherapy, on the other hand, focuses on aspects of your past life, any traumas you may have suffered and mental disorders (depression, burn-out, anxiety, etc.). I’m trained in systemic tools and support, whereas a psychotherapist is trained in psychology.
Yes, the two practices are complementary. While in therapy you work on issues from the past, during our sessions you can move forward on aspects of your present and future life.
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