My offer for well-being and support professionals

Would you like to exchange ideas with colleagues? Want to discover the systemic approach?

I offer workshops for well-being and support professionals at Le Grand Bain in Nantes.

You’ll find the topics and upcoming dates of these workshops here:

Professional workshop: Intervision

Wednesday 17 April, 10am to 12pm at the Grand Bain (room Baco), 20 allée de la Maison Rouge (Nantes), price : tba (reduced – 1st year of business, etc.), sign up at inscriptions à

Are you looking for a space where you can discuss your relationship with your customers? Do you need a change of perspective, a fresh look at your practice? Together, we’re going to look in more depth at some of the issues involved in relationships with clients, question our posture as practitioners and explore new ways of approaching these relationships.

I’m offering you a multidisciplinary intervision workshop, aimed at all wellbeing and support professionals. We’ll be using systemic intervision tools that adapt to the specificities of each activity and respect the expertise of all practitioners. Intervision is a format for horizontal professional exchange in which each person contributes their skills, questions and professional issues.

Discussion circle: The emotional lift of entrepreneurship (New! open to everyone)

Monday 22 April, 4pm to 6pm at the Grand Bain (room baco), 20 allée de la maison Rouge, for free, sign up at Being an entrepreneur can be tough! There are highs and lows, and it’s good to share, to support each other, to know that you’re not alone with your questions, doubts and emotions. I’d like to invite you to join me for a chat over a cup of coffee, where you can share and let off steam in a friendly, trusting atmosphere.

Professional workshop: Introduction to the systems approach

March 24, 2-5.30 pm at the Grand Bain , 20 allée de la maison Rouge, Price: tba (reductions possible), sign up at

Curious about a new approach? Would you like to try out some new tools for your events?

The systemic approach is a practical, interactive method that focuses on action through practical exercises.

During this professional workshop, you will discover the systemic approach, its specific features and its various tools. You’ll get straight down to work and try out a method of this approach that can be adapted to all situations, so that you can use it in your professional life.

In the workshop:

  • Theory and history of systemic approaches
  • Presentation of the tools and processes used in systemic approaches
  • In-depth study of a tool chosen by the participants from among constellations, intervision, the reflecting team, etc.
Illustration atelier professionnel introduction à l'approche systémique

Professional workshop: Welcoming LGBTQI+ people in the workplace

next dates scheduled for early may and june 2024 – pre-inscriptions at

This workshop is co-hosted with sophrologist Justine Giraldi, sophrologue.

Discover the power of inclusive welcome in your professional practice!

Join our workshop dedicated to welcoming LGBTQI+* people and transform your approach to create welcoming and respectful spaces.


  • be able to create a respectful and open working environment by the end of the workshop
  • improve your professional skills by enriching your understanding of the needs of LGBTQI+ people
  • build customer loyalty through inclusive and responsible practice

Together, let’s create spaces where everyone feels welcome.


Depending on the workshop you attend, it can last from 1 to 3 hours. For longer workshops, a break is provided. Depending on the professional workshop formula, the workshops run a little differently. Exchange circles and intervision are based on your personal examples, but if you don’t want to share, you don’t have to. For the themed professional workshops (the systemic approach, networking, etc.) there is a small group and/or individual work session where you work on your examples and concrete situations.
The price is indicated for each workshop. For each workshop, a reduced rate is available without the need for proof. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about your specific situation. If the workshop is “free”, this means that you can pay whatever you want within the limits of your resources. You will not be asked for any proof of payment. As a rough guide, a 1-hour workshop costs €10/15.
Registration is done by e-mail, telephone, SMS or via a Mobilizon link when one is provided.
Each pro workshop is one-off and independent of any other workshops I organise. So you can take part in one workshop or several, in any order you like.
The professional workshops are open to registration. There is no possibility of financing them with a professional training organisation or the CPF for the moment. If you have any doubts or questions about the cost of the workshops, don’t hesitate to contact me and we’ll have a chat!
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